
壹、 MSC第98次會議決議案

(一) MSC.421(98)決議案:修正國際海上人命安全公約
(二) MSC.422(98)決議案:修正國際船舶使用氣體或其他低閃點燃料安全章程
(三) MSC.423(98)及MSC.424(98)決議案:修正1994年及2000年國際高速船安全章程
(四) MSC.425(98)決議案:修正國際救生裝置章程
(五) MSC.426(98)決議案:修正國際海事固體散裝貨物章程
(六) MSC.427(98)決議案:Amendments to Resolution MSC.81(70), as Amended
(七) MSC.428(98)決議案:Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management ?Systems
(八) MSC.429(98)決議案:Revised Explanatory Notes to the SOLAS Chapter II-1 Subdivision and Damage Stability Regulations
(九) MSC.430(98)決議案:Amendments to the Resolution MSC.148(77)
(十) MSC.431(98)決議案:Amendments to the Resolution MSC.306(87)
(十一) MSC.432(98)決議案:Amendments to the Resolution MSC.401(95)
(十二) MSC.433(98)決議案:Guidelines and Criteria for Ship Reporting Systems
(十三) MSC.434(98)決議案:Performance Standards for a Ship Earth Station for Use in the GMDSS
(十四) MSC.435(98)決議案:修正2009年海上移動式鑽探裝置構造及設備章程
貳、 IMO相關通告

STCW.7/Circ.24/Rev.1: Guidance for Parties, Administrations, Port State Control Authorities, Recognized Organizations and Other Relevant Parties on the Requirements of the STCW Convention, 1978, as Amended
(二) MSC.1/Circ.1576:Unified Interpretation of the Provisions of SOLAS Relating to the Annual Testing of the VDR, S-VDR, AIS and EPIRB
(三) MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3:Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management
參、 中華民國重要通告
肆、 巴拿馬重要通告

(一) MMC-258: Approved Service Providers for Lifeboats, Launching Appliances and On-load Release Gear
(二) MMC-345: Ballast Water Management Convention 2004, Panama Policy
(三) MMC-351: New Seal in the Seaman’s Book that Ratifies that the Republic of Panama Accomplishes with the Convention 108 of the ILO and the Article VI of the STCW’78 Convention, Amended
(四) MMC-352: List of Approved P& I Clubs / Insurers
伍、 貝里斯重要通告
MMN/GOB 001/17通告、MMN-17-003r1通告、MMN-17-005r1通告
陸、 2017年重點檢查活動
柒、 美國壓艙水規定
