獨立公證檢驗 CR以第三方公正立場,提供開發商、承包商、船東等專業檢驗服務,協助客戶確保船舶、設備機具等符合專案要求、業界與政府的標準或法規,其檢驗內容包含 1. IMCA-eCMID和eMISW檢驗 2. 船舶起組/解租檢驗 3. 船舶油量檢驗 4. 依指定規範進行船舶、機材或其他設備之公證檢驗,如:Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations(LOLER) 5. 依客戶需求客製化檢驗表單等 服務實績: • CMID & MISW vessel inspection for vessel owners, ie DFO, TIPC Marine Corporation, and Ventus Marine etc. • Vessel suitability for CIP AECOM, and RWE • Vessel On/Off-hire survey for TIPC Marine Corporation • CTV speed trial for SGRE • HSE supervision for ABL • LOLER inspection for GAC Taiwan (2022) • Towing gear survey for Kaohsiung Marine Ship Service Corp. (2021) • Met-mast structure independent inspection for CIP (2019) • Met-mast T&I surveillance for Taiwan Power Company (2015) • Met-mast T&I surveillance for Taiwan Generation Corp. (2015) • Met-mast inspection for Taiwan Generation Corp. (2014) 聯絡本中心再生能源處 +886-2-25062711 分機900 +886-2-25074722 ren@crclass.org