
壹、 MSC第97次會議決議案

(一) MSC.409(97)決議案: 修正國際海上人命安全公約(SOLAS)
(二) MSC.410(97)決議案: 修正消防安全系統章程(FSS Code)
(三) MSC.411(97)決議案: 修正國際載運散裝液化氣體船舶構造與設備章程(IGC Code)
(四) MSC.412(97)決議案: 修正加強檢驗方案章程(ESP Code)
(五) MSC.413(97)、MSC.414(97)及MSC.415(97)決議案: 修正國際完整穩度章程(IS Code)
(六) MSC.416(97)決議案: 修正航海人員訓練、發證及航行當值標準(STCW)公約
(七) MSC.417(97)決議案: 修正航海人員訓練、發證及航行當值標準章程(STCW Code)
MSC.418(97)決議案: Interim Recommendations on the Safe Carriage of More Than 12 Industrial Personnel on Board Vessels Engaged on International Voyages
(九) MSC.419(97)決議案: Amendments to the General Provisions on Ships’ Routeing (Resolution A.572(14), as Amended)
(十) MSC.420(97)決議案: Interim Recommendations for Carriage of Liquefied Hydrogen in Bulk
貳、 IMO相關通告

(一) MSC.1/Circ.1460/Rev.1: Guidance on the Validity of Radiocommunications Equipment Installed and Used on Ships
(二) MSC.1/Circ.1495/Rev.1: Revised Unified Interpretation of SOLAS Regulation V/23.3.3 on Pilot Transfer Arrangements
MSC.1/Circ.1550: Unified Interpretations Relating to the Application of SOLAS Regulations II-2/, II-2/, II-2/ and II-2/19.3.1, as Amended, and Paragraph of Chapter 12 of the FSS Code
STCW.7/Circ.24: Interim Guidance for Parties, Administrations, Port State Control Authorities, Recognized Organizations and Other Relevant Parties on the Requirements of the STCW Convention, 1978, as Amended
參、 巴拿馬重要通告

(一) MMC-133: “Provisions for the Use of the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) ”
(二) MMC-241: “Certificate of Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (CLC92)”
(三) MMC-251: ” Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006) – Mobile Offshore Drilling Units and Mobile Offshore Units”
(四) MMC-321: “Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) on Board”
(五) MMC-340: “Application of Annex 14 of the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing (CSS Code).”
(六) MMC-345: “Ballast Water Management Convention 2004, Panama Policy.”
(七) MMC-346: “Amendments to the Ship Security Plans (SSP) for Recognized Security Organization (RSO) Duly Cancelled.”
肆、 貝里斯重要通告

(一) MMN-17-001通告: 有關因應BWM公約,IOPP單獨提前換證做法
(二) IMM-GOB001-17通告: 有關精進港口國管制因應措施
伍、 2017年重點檢查活動

(一) 東京備忘錄(Tokyo MOU)公布2017年重點檢查活動(CIC)主題為: Safety of Navigation,將與巴黎備忘錄(Paris MOU) 一同實施。
陸、 美國USCG壓艙水管理規定

(一) 摘要美國壓艙水管理規定最新動態
