Independent Surveys

An Independent Survey is one conducted by this Society as an impartial third party, and is not limited to ships.

We conduct independent surveys in the following manner:
1. Independent surveys of ships, materials & equipment, or other equipment according to the contract between a buyer and seller: When applying, an applicant must present the contract between both parties. After reviewing the contract, we will conduct an independent survey based on its contents.

2. Independent surveys of ships, materials & equipment, or other equipment according to the rules designated: When applying, an applicant must indicate which of the rules will be used, such as national standards, harbor laws, Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS), or rules of other classification societies, in order to facilitate the follow-up work for an independent survey.

3. Assessment of non-CR-classed ships before purchase at the request of an owner.

4. Damage survey of non-CR-classed ships at the request of an insurance company.

5. Verification of non-CR ships for seaworthiness.

6. 應主管機關委託之其他獨立公證檢驗。

Contact us

+886-2-25062711 Ext: 200
