Container Inspections

CR Classification Society

Chapter 1 General
1. Application
The Rules for the Construction and Certification of Freight Containers(hereinafter referred to as “the Rules”) apply to containers complying with the International Standards ISO Series 1 Freight containers. Non-ISO containers or containers of special types not fully covered in the Rules are to be specially considered.
When authorized by an Administration, which is a signatory to the International Convention for Safe Containers(CSC), and upon request, the certification procedure may be extended and containers surveyed for compliance with the provisions of the convention, and certified thereto in the manner prescribed.

2. Definitions
Terms and symbols used in the Rules are defined as follows unless otherwise specially provided:
   (a)「最大操作總質量或額定R」係指貨櫃與其貨物之最大容許總合質量(單位公斤),其重量則以Rg (單位:牛頓;g = 9.8m/s2)表示。
   (b) Tare, T, is the mass (unit:kg) of the empty container.
   (c)「最大允許貨物質量P」係R與T之質量(單位:公斤)差值,其重量以Pg(單位:牛頓;g = 9.8 m/s2)表示。
   (d) Overall external dimensions are the maximum external dimensions of the container including any permanent attachments, and are designated by H, W and L (unit:mm) respectively.
   (e) Internal dimensions are the minimum internal dimensions of the container including any permanent attachments except top corner fittings.
Container types are grouped according to the mode of transport, categories of cargo and the physical characteristics of the container and can be grouped into General cargo container, Specific cargo container(including thermal container, tank container, dry bulk container, and named cargo type container).

Chapter 2 Certification
1. 欲經由本中心發證之貨櫃,其設計、製造、認可、試驗及檢驗應符合本規範之要求。貨櫃必須在認可之工廠製造。貨櫃在發證前,製造廠須提出詳細之設計圖,於作原型試驗與檢驗均合格後,獲得本中心簽發之型式認可證書。
2. 依本中心規範以外之標準,設計製造之某型式貨櫃,或已經其他認可之機構認可之某型式貨櫃,此型式之貨櫃經本中心個案特別考慮及認可後,得予接受。
3. 經型式認可之系列貨櫃產品欲獲得本中心之證書,應在符合本規範相關規定,於建造中之適當階段,在驗船師見證下試驗與檢驗合格。
4. 工廠認可所需送審文件如下:
   (a) Outline of works.
   (b) Container manufacturing procedure.
   (c) Main facilities for the production.
   (d) Facilities for tests and inspections.
   (e) Manufacturer’s standards for inspection the process of quality control.
   (f) Other documents as required by the Society.
5. 型式認可所需送審文件如下:
   (a) General arrangement and specification.
   (b) Structural drawing showing materials, scantlings and structural details.
   (c) Test and inspection procedures.
   (d) Other documents as required by the Society.

Chapter 3 Design
Overall external dimensions of all ISO series 1 freight containers have a unifying nominal width of 8 ft (2,438mm). Those designated by a single letter have a nominal height of 8 ft (2,438mm); those which have a double letter have a height of 8.5 ft (2,591mm); and those designated by X indicates that the height of the container is between 0 and 8 ft (2,438mm). Containers designated by A have a nominal length of 40 ft (12m), B 30 ft (9m), C 20 ft (6m), D 10 ft (3m).
E.g., 1BB represents ISO Series 1 container, 30 ft in length, 8.5 ft in height, 8 ft in width.
Materials used for strength structures of containers are to be in compliance with the appropriate recognized material standard or, if applicable, the requirements given in Part XI of the “Rules for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships” (hereinafter referred to as “Rules for Steel Ships”). Sufficient information of materials containing manufacturing procedures, grades, mechanical properties, the chemical composition, heat treatments, etc. are to be submitted to the Society for approval.

Chapter 4 Tests and Inspections
1. 本章所列試驗及檢驗除另有規定外,僅適用一般貨櫃、溫調貨櫃及槽式貨櫃。特殊貨櫃之要求,本中心得修正或特別考慮之。
2. 試驗及檢驗之量度設備應經校正。
3. 貨櫃結構所用之材料應與核可之設計規格一致。
4. 廠家應檢送有關強度結構及角隅裝具之材料報告。內容包括尺寸、數量、訂購件數、原材料爐號、等級、機械性質、化學成分及熱處理狀況等資料。本中心認為必要時得要求在工廠做材料試驗由驗船師見證。
5. 貨櫃結構之試驗及檢驗
   (a) Visual inspections.
   (b) Dimensional checks.
   (c) Mass measurement.
   (d) Weathertightness tests.
   (e) Strength tests.
   (f) Strength tests with one door off operation.

Chapter 5 General Cargo Containers
1. 一般貨櫃原型之認可應完成前章所述試驗及檢驗
2. 經型式認可之一般貨櫃產品應完成下列試驗及檢驗:
   (a) Visual inspection, dimensional check and weathertightness test for each container.
   (b) Weighing for containers of a certain number accepted by the Society.
   (c) Strength tests containing stacking, top lifting, bottom lifting and floor strength tests for one container selected at random from each 50 containers or fraction thereof in same series.

Chapter 6 Thermal Containers
1. 溫調貨櫃之發證除須檢送第二章型式認可所需之文件外,尚須檢送:
   (a) Insulation construction (including material of insulation, data of heat transmission and details of insulating work).
   (b) Ventilating devices and drainage.
   (c) Specification of refrigerating unit and/or heating equipment (if provided).
   (d) Thermometers and temperature recording arrangements.
2. 溫調貨櫃之原型型式認可,應作下列試驗及檢驗:
   (a) Items for prototype general cargo containers as required in Chapter 5 of the Rules.
   (b) Roof strength test for hanging cargo (if any).
   (c) Airtightness test.
   (d) Thermal insulation test.
   (e) Performance test of refrigerating.
3. 經型式認可之產品生產,應作下列試驗:
   (a) Items for production units of general cargo container as required in Chapter 5 of the Rules except the floor strength test.
   (b) Airtightness test.
   (c) Thermal insulation test for one container selected at random from each 100 containers or fraction thereof in same series.
   (d) Operation test for refrigerating and/or heating appliances.

Chapter 7 Tank Containers
1. 槽式貨櫃之發證除須檢送第二章型式認可所需之文件外,尚須檢送:
   (a) Specifications of the tank.
   (b) Drawings showing full details of materials, scantlings and welding procedures of the tank.
   (c) Arrangement and full details of valves, nozzles and other fittings.
   (d) Full details of pressure relief devices.
2. 槽式貨櫃之原型型式認可,應作下列試驗及檢驗:
   (a) Visual inspection, dimensional check and weighing in compliance with the requirements given in Chapter 4 of the Rules.
   (b) Strength tests.
   (c) Hydrostatic test.
   (d) Strength test for walkways and ladders.
   (e) Working test.
3. 經型式認可之產品,應作下列試驗:
   (a) Visual inspection and dimensional check in compliance with the requirements given in Chapter 4 of the Rules for each container.
   (b) Weighing for containers of a certain number accepted by the Society.
   (c) Strength tests containing stacking, top lifting and bottom lifting tests for one container selected at random from each 50 containers or fraction thereof in same series.
   (d) Hydrostatic test.

Chapter 8 Identification and Marking
1. 每只貨櫃應永久標記下列資料:
   (a) Owner’s mark and serial number.
   (b) Manufacturer’s mark and serial number.
   (c) Type and/or model.
   (d) Maximum operating gross mass.
   (e) Tare.
   (f) Date of manufacture.
2. 每只貨櫃經本中心檢驗合格後,應在門檻低處之垂直面標示本中心之標記,包括證書編號及檢驗日期如下:
   CR(steel stamp) xx-xx-xx
The letters are not to be less than 6mm high and be placed at about the middle of the sill length.
3. 本中心提供如圖8-1所示直徑150 mm之圖徽應裝貼於每一貨櫃上,並應通過本中心驗船師之檢驗。

Fig. 8-1 Survey Emblem of the Society

4. 具冷凍設備之溫調貨櫃應標記下列項目:
   (a) Type of refrigerating units, date of manufacture and kind of refrigerant.
   (b) Output and revolution of the electric motor for refrigerant compressor.
   (c) Rated voltage, frequency and number of phase of the electric motor for refrigerant compressor.
   (d) Type of electric source.
   (e) Full load current and total starting current.
   (f) Minimum internal temperature and ambient temperature.
5. 具貨物懸吊裝置之溫調貨櫃,應將其最大堪用負荷標記於貨櫃內牆之明顯可見處。
6. 對於槽式貨櫃,應附加標記下列資料:
   (a) Total capacity.
   (b) Maximum allowable working pressure.
   (c) Date of hydrostatic test.
   (d) Test pressure.
7. 對於國際標準及公約之規定,依據ISO/IS 790國際標準(系列1貨櫃之標記)之要求標記,如圖8-2所示。

Fig. 8-2 Container Marking
1. Owner code, serial number and check digit
2. Country code, size and type code
3. Maximum gross and tare mass (kg and lb)

8. 對於國際標準及公約之規定,國際安全貨櫃公約規定「安全認可牌」之標記,如圖8-3所示:
   (a) The Plate is to be permanent, noncorrosive and fire proof and is to be permanently affixed to the container.
   (b) The words “CSC SAFETY APPROVAL” are to have a minimum letter height of 8mm and all other words and numbers a minimum height of 5mm. They are to be stamped into, embossed on or indicated on the plate surface in any other permanent and legible way.

Fig. 8-3 CSC Safety Approval Plates
1. Country of Approval and Approval Reference as given in the example on line 1. (The country of Approval is to be indicated by means of the distinguishing sign used to indicate country of registration of motor vehicles in international road traffic).
2. Date (month and year) of manufacture.
3. Manufacturer’s identification number of the container, or in the case of existing containers for which that number is unknown, the number allotted by the Adminidtration.
4. Maximum Operating Gross Mass (kg and lb).
5. Allowable Stacking Load for 1.8g (kg and lb).
6. Transverse Racking Test Force (newtons).
7. End Wall Strength to be indicated on plate only if end walls are designed to withstand a load of less or greater than 0.4 times the gravitational force by maximum permissible payload, i.e. 0.4 Pg.
8. Side Wall Strength to be indicated on plate only if side walls are deigned to withstand a load of less or greater than 0.6 times the gravitational force by maximum permissible payload, i.e. 0.6 Pg.
9. First maintenance examination date (month and year) for new containers and subsequent maintenance examination dates (month and year) if Plate used for this purpose.
10. One door off stacking strength to be indicated on plate only if the container is approved for one door off operation. The marking shall show :
ALLOWABLE STACKING LOAD ONE DOOR OFF FOR 1.8g (…kg…lb). This marking shall be displayed immediately near the stacking test value (see line 5).
11. One door off racking strength to be indicated on plate only if the container is approved for one door off operation. The marking shall show :
TRANSVERSE RACKING TEST FORCE ONE DOOR OFF (…newtons). This marking shall be displayed immediately near the racking test value (see line 6).

Chapter 9 Condition and Repair Surveys
1. 整修程序
   (a) All container are to be examined generally internally and externally for condition of structures, welds, rivets, panels, floor, door gaskets and closing devices. Corrective action is to be taken regarding damages before the container is returned to service.
   (b) All materials used for repairs are to be the same with or to be equivalent to original construction. Suitable check is to be applied to ensure proper materials as necessary.
   (c) Repairs are to be carried out in accordance with manufacture’s specifications or repair manual in so far as practicable. All welding is to be done by qualified welders.
2. 試驗
   (a) The repair facility is to be capable of conducting partial structure tests to the load requirements of the Rules. Partial testing is required after replacement or major repair to corner fittings or corner posts.
   (b) Tightness testing using water, light or smoke is to be done on all containers repaired where tightness is applicable.
   (c) Dimensional checks are to be done as necessary.
   (d) Additional testing may be required if the load carrying capacity of the container is in question.
3. 發證
   (a) After repair and satisfactory survey, a certificate is to be issued to the user and a decalcomania with the month and year of survey is to be affixed to the container.
   (b) After periodic condition surveys required for compliance with International Regulations, certification for safety in handling and fitness for continuance in service is to be provided as necessary.

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