Administration Department
Survey Department
Planning Department
Quality Assurance Department
Research Department
Technical Department
Renewable Energy Department
As far as the business organization system of CR is concerned, it is based on the necessity of task. The structure of organization is shown as the following chart.

Administration Department
Personnel Section | |
General Affairs Section | |
Financial Section |
Contact us
+886-2-25062711 Ext: 800
Survey Department
Survey Control Section |
承辦現成船入級申請案; | |
承辦現成船定期及臨時檢驗申請案; | |
承辦現成船延期檢驗申請案; | |
承辦現成船改裝檢驗申請案; | |
承辦船舶在國外被查扣案; | |
承辦委託檢驗申請案; | |
檢驗申請案之編號與統計; | |
Report Section | |
審查船級、公約證書及檢驗報告; | |
登記檢驗狀況、時限及檢驗未了事項; | |
發行檢驗狀況給船東; | |
船級證書、公約證書之簽發; | |
損害檢驗資料之彙集統計; | |
Material and Equipment Section | |
承辦機材檢驗申請案; | |
審查機材證書及檢驗報告; | |
承辦委託檢驗申請案; | |
Numbering and compiling of statistics regarding survey applications |
Contact us
+886-2-25062711 Ext: 200
Planning Department
Business Section | |
承辦新造船入級申請; | |
維繫客戶關係爭取相關業務; | |
承辦各國政府授權合約; | |
客戶滿意度調查; | |
客戶技術諮詢服務; | |
辦理各式訓練課程; | |
辦理技術研討會; | |
Information Technology Section | |
交通部船舶管理系統連線作業; | |
程式開發及系統維運; | |
官方網頁維護 |
Contact us
+886-2-25062711 Ext: 300
Quality Assurance Department
Audit Section | |
品管手冊之修正; | |
品質規劃事務; | |
內部稽查事務; | |
管理審查事務; | |
Assessment Section | |
船舶安全管理系統(ISM)驗證登記辦法之訂定及修正; | |
船舶安全管理系統(ISM)之驗證及登記; | |
國際船舶和港口設施保全(ISPS)驗證登記辦法之訂定及修正; | |
國際船舶和港口設施保全(ISPS)之驗證及登記; | |
海事勞工公約(MLC)驗證登記辦法之訂定及修正; | |
海事勞工公約(MLC)之驗證及登記; | |
ISO 9001品質管理系統驗證 |
Contact us
+886-2-25062711 Ext: 700
Research Department
Rules & Regulations Section | |
蒐集國內外船舶相關技術、標準與航運各界意見回饋並加以研究分析; | |
發展與制定驗船中心的船級規範、準則,供主管機關、航商、造船廠、設計單位等各界參考使用; | |
Statutes Section | |
蒐集相關國際公約與海事法規並加以研究分析; | |
協助主管機關辦理各項航政相關法令之研擬及修訂; | |
發布技術通報,提供最新國際公約的重點內容以及發展動態等中文摘要; | |
Research & Development Section | |
針對航運相關技術議題進行深入研析,並適時發表技術性論文; | |
Training Section | |
辦理驗船中心內部之訓練事務 (註:有關中心對外授課等事宜,可另洽本中心企劃處業務組) |
Contact us
+886-2-25062711 Ext: 500
Technical Department
Hull Section | |
審查船體結構、穩度等相關圖說; | |
與船體有關之工廠及產品型式認可; | |
船體相關之服務供應商認可(例如:測厚、水下檢驗等); | |
ETAS緊急技術評估服務; | |
蒐集有關船體結構、穩度等技術資料; | |
存管認可之圖說; | |
Machinery Section | |
審查輪機圖說; | |
與輪機有關之工廠及產品型式認可; | |
蒐集有關輪機之技術資料; | |
Electricity Section | |
審查電機圖說; | |
與電機有關之工廠及產品型式認可; | |
蒐集有關電機之技術資料; | |
Outfitting Section | |
審查艤裝圖說; | |
辦理噸位丈量及發證; | |
與艤裝有關之工廠及產品型式認可; | |
Collection of outfitting-related technical information |
Contact us
+886-2-25062711 Ext: 600
Renewable Energy Department
Certification Section | |
01. Establish Renewable Energy Certify Technique | |
02. Technical Consulting | |
03. Offshore Wind Farm Project Certification | |
04. Technical Due Diligence | |
05. ISO/IEC 17065 System Management and Maintenance | |
Marine Technology Section | |
01. Establish Maritime Engineering Certify Technique | |
02. Maritime Technical Consulting | |
03. Marine Warranty Survey | |
04. Independent Survey | |
05. IMCA eCMID & eMISW Vessel Inspection | |
06. Client Representatives |
Contact us
+886-2-25062711 Ext: 900